“Genius Animals is super weird and compelling mix of Pynchon-ian apocalyptic paranoia, Chandrasekaran-ian dark humor and Shiozawa-ian emotional artistry.” - Matt selman, execuTive producer of “the Simpsons”
“remarkably refined, tightly plotted, carefully scripted, and lushly visualized”
“a hilarious, beautifully-drawn page-turner, filled with eccentric characters and plot twists. If you like wondering if a person is insane or 100% correct, you'll like this book.” - Zach Kanin and Tim Robinson, creators of “I Think You Should Leave”
“There were a few books that truly made me laugh out loud this year, but none as much as Genius Animals”
“The mystery is solid and compelling, and the jokes are wise and plentiful with genuine laugh out loud moments... What are you waiting for? Go read this comic.”